Health Services
From the CIS School Nurse
Welcome Back for another exciting year at CIS. I am Nurse Tracey Abercrombie RN. I am excited to make this year healthy and happy at CIS. It is important for students to eat a nutritious breakfast every morning. The cafeteria is open every morning to serve students. It is also important for your child to get enough rest each night so they can do their best during the school day. It is also very important that students wash their hands often to wash away those unwelcome germs. We strive for students to do their best and with these simple steps, your student can perform at their highest level.
All medications will be stored in the health room. If your child needs to take medication during the school day, please bring it to the health room. Do not let children transport medicine on the bus or in their backpacks. All medication whether it is prescription or non-prescription needs a medication form filled out by the parent, and prescription medications need a physician's signature. All medication forms can be found on the district's website under the link “Health Services.”
Our school district follows the DHEC guidelines for children's illnesses. The “School Exclusion” list is available on the district website. This list provides information as to when to keep your child home and when it is safe to send your child back after an illness.
If your child has received any immunizations, please provide a copy to the school.
Finally, If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Health Room at 575-5718.
Thank you,
Nurse Abercrombie RN